Monday, January 6, 2014

/w/ in the initial position

Practice /w/ with these words:

"water" and...


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To practice phrases, have your child label the different forms water comes in.  Targets may include, "bottled water," "flavored water," and "bubbly water; " ("carbonated water" for the more advanced!).

To practice sentences, ask you child what objects are made of wood.  Targets may include, "Chairs are made of wood," "Fences are made of wood," and "Toys are made of wood."

To practice conversation, ask your child where one can find water.  Answers may include, "Water is in the sea.  Water comes from the sink.  Water comes from a hose."  You can also ask your child what one can do with water (e.g. wash, drink, play, etc.).  These tasks are great for abstract reasoning, as well as attention.

/w/ is often a cinch to practice.  To cue for the /w/ sound, tell your child to round her lips while making the sound.  Have her watch round your lips and make the sound.  If that doesn't work, tell her to make her lips round, as if she were going to whistle or blow bubbles.  Another cue is to gently move her lips together into a circle with your fingers.

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