Monday, November 18, 2013

/b/ in the initial position

Practice /b/ in the initial position with these words:

"bacon," and...


A good way to cue for the /b/ sound is to provide the instruction, "Pop your lips."  Model this for your child.  You may want to start just by making the /b/ sound itself.

To elicit a phrase, ask for descriptions.
Q: What colors are the bananas?
A: Yellow bananas; green bananas.

To elicit a sentence, you can ask the same question but require that your child that respond in sentences.  A good model for sentences is to begin with the subject, followed by a verb: "The bananas are yellow."

To stimulate conversation, ask open-ended questions.
Q: What kind of bacon do you like?
A: I like crispy bacon.  I do not like fatty bacon.  I like bacon-lettuce-and-tomato sandwiches.
Cue your child to use the target word in her responses.

Tip: Be upfront with your child and let her know that you are practicing speech therapy at Giant Eagle.  This will build awareness of the task, and help serve as an explanation as to why you are requiring certain targets (/b/, sentences, etc.) be used.

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