"Clusters" are when two or more consonants make up a sound in a word. For example, "br" in "brick," "str" in "street" and "lp" in "help." Many times children can make the consonant sounds individually, but have difficulty making them together in a cluster. A perfect place to practice clusters is Phipps Conservatory. The scenery captures one's interest, and there are many words with clusters that can be practiced on their own, in phrases, sentences or conversation.
A way to cue for clusters is to break up the sounds in the word. Let us take the word "street," which has three consonants in the cluster. First have your child say "-eet." Then, add the /r/ sound and have her say "-reet." Next, add the /t/ sound and have her say "-treet." Finally, add the /s/ sound and have her say "street." Do this slowly. An alternative method is to start with the beginning sound. Again, I will use the example of "street." Have your child produce the first sound, the /s/ sound. Then, have her produce the /st/ sound. Next, have her produce the /str/ sound. Finally, have her put the sounds together to produce "street." Making all the sounds slowly at first helps, as does modeling the sounds for her.
Some words with clusters include:
bl: bloom
Image retrieved from phipps.conservatory.org.
br: brick
Image retrieved from phipps.conservatory.org.
br: bridge
Image retrieved from Image retrieved from examiner.com.
cr (transcription /kr/): crocus
Image retrieved from flickr.com.
dr: hydrangea
Photo link:<a href="http://www.tripadvisor.com/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g53449-d209225-i18973490-Phipps_Conservatory-Pittsburgh_Pennsylvania.html#18973496"><img alt="" src="http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/21/83/38/arrangement-with-hydrangeas.jpg"/></a><br/>This photo of Phipps Conservatory is courtesy of TripAdvisor
fl: flower
Image retrieved from flickr.com.
fl: butterfly
Image retrieved from phipps.conservatory.com.
fr: fruit
Image retrieved from wifemothergardener.blogspot.com.
fr: fragrance
Image retrieved from flickr.com.
fr: frog
Image retrieved from http://mtrla.com/portfolio/phipps-conservatory/.
gl: glass
Image retrieved from http://www.chihuly.com/phipps-conservatory-and-botanical-gardens.aspx.
gr: greenhouse
Image retrieved from http://phipps.conservatory.org/project-green-heart/green-heart-at-phipps/production-greenhouses.aspx.
gr: grass
Image retrieved from phipps.conservatory.org.
qu (transcription /kw/): quack
Image retrieved from http://www.zoecarlson.com/phipps-conservatory-2/.
pl: plant
Image retrieved from wifemothergardener.com.
pr: prick
Image retrieved from flickr.com.
pr: prune
Image retrieved from pittsburghparks.wordpress.com.
pr: pretty
Image retrieved from pittsburgh.about.com.
st: mist
Image retrieved from http://road7.blogspot.com/2007/02/phipps-conservatory-and-botanical.html.
st: botanist
Image retrieved from http://phippsscienceeducation.org/2013/06/13/follow-the-fellows-revisiting-chicagos-green-roofs-with-kelly-ksiazek/.
str: stream
Image retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phipps_Conservatory_and_Botanical_Gardens.
st: stem
Image retrieved from wifemothergardener.blogspot.com.
st: statue
Image retrieved from francineinretirement.wordpress.com.
squ (transcription /skw/): squirrel
Image retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_gray_squirrel.
sm: smell
Image retrieved from flickr.com.
spr: sprout
Image retrieved from http://www.pinterest.com/phippsisgreen/edible-inspiration/.
sw: swim
Image retrieved from http://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/phipps-conservatory-and-botanical-gardens-pittsburgh?select=O_OkbWOiGD0IT2_HsALYaw#O_OkbWOiGD0IT2_HsALYaw.
sp: spice
Image retrieved from http://road7.blogspot.com/2007/02/phipps-conservatory-and-botanical.html.
sp: wasp
Image retrieved from http://gardeningsoul.blogspot.com/2013/12/lessons-learned-from-fall-garden-2013.html.
tr: tree
Image retrieved from https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYHtFyYHrI_bWzV349snPJAJLsF8O1qfJ3AI3-aArNqy-Rz940PQ.
tr: train
Image retrieved from bigtrainoperator.com
mp: bump
Image retrieved from http://www.postcrossing.com/blog/2010/05/22/little-paulo-ana-in-pittsburgh-pennsylvania.
mp: lamp
Image retrieved from http://www.flickr.com/photos/92238473@N00/2407874697/.
lf: shelf
Image retrieved from phipps.conservatory.com.
lb: bulb
Image retrieved from garden.lovetoknow.com
ld: gold fish
Image retrieved from flickr.com.
lk: silky
Image retrieved from gardenofaaron.com
ls (transcription /lz/): petals
Image retrieved from gardenofaaron.com
rt: dirt
Image retrieved from phippsscienceeducation.org.
lm: palm
Image retrieved from pittsburgh.about.com.
ct (transcription /kt/): cactus*
Image retrieved from betterphoto.com. *Technically "ct" in this case is not a cluster since it is separated by a syllable, but I couldn't resist posting this cactus picture; that is from my favorite room at Phipps.
rk: bark
Image retrieved from wifemothergardener.blogspot.com.
rn: fern
Image retrieved from wifemothergardener.blogspot.com.
ft: gift
Image retrieved from phipps.conservatory.com.
ps: maps
*More clusters from Phipps to come!*
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